NEW FOR 2023
The years flash by like shooting stars on a warm September night.
2022 RECAP
It has been a quieter year this year as we slowly resurrect normality after the dreaded pandemic. We are all still working from home – thus the temporary PO Box address until we feel confident enough to re-open a central office. However, despite having no book releases this year, we have still been able to help many young writers.
We have given out over £5000 in grants and sponsored over £2000 in writing courses as well as maintaining our mentoring programme. The Diary of a Young Writer blog is as busy as ever.
2023 PLANS
- We will continue to offer grants and courses.
- We still have our submissions
- We will expand our Diary of a Young Writer blog – so if anybody is interested in contributing let us know.
- We would like to open a poetry corner and have been discussing the best ways of doing this – it could be via a competition or separate poetry blog. We will hopefully announce this early April.
- We hope to offer a new short-story competition (yes, it’s overdue) but that will depend on us getting back in the office again so watch this space and our social media as we will announce more if and when that happens.
Meanwhile, I wish you all a happy, productive, and creative new year.