We are looking for career-minded new and young authors
Outlet Publishing is a small publisher based in the UK. We are not a hybrid publisher, we pay advances and royalties and take on all production and editing costs. We do not ask authors for a penny.
If you are based in the UK and are at the stage of completion/near completion of your manuscript, feel free to send us a sample of your work.
We accept submissions from authors and literary agents and are on the lookout, in particular, for novels which speak of our ever-openly diverse world: mental illness, sexuality and gender, grief, racial struggles, awakening into adulthood, overcoming illness, etc.
Please submit a query letter, synopsis and the first three chapters (maximum 10,000 words) of your work to:
Or click here to fill out our quick and easy submissions form.
We are also setting up a non-fiction imprint for launch early 2025 and will accept submissions for memoirs, biographies, self-help and oral histories.
Please send a query letter, outline and first 10,000 words of your work to: