Seeking and promoting innovative new and young writers in the U.K
Outlet Publishing is a small publisher and development platform for innovative new and young writers. We provide support and resources to help understand the mechanics of the publishing industry and encourage writers to pursue a career in the literary arts.
Creativity is often suppressed by society’s insistence that there is no career in writing. This is not the case. More than ever there are tools available to build a platform for a successful writing career. eBooks, blogging and social networking have opened up a hive of opportunities for young writers; novelists, journalists, poets and researchers. Everyone can benefit from these exciting changes in the industry. The ability to self-publish has become easier and is becoming increasingly credible.
It is our objective to help writers find the resources and experience they need to build a successful career in writing, as well as the ability to finance their creative aspirations.
What we do:
- We are an author development company and help position talented authors with literary agents and publishers.
- We designate a mentor and editor to help develop necessary skills and experience
- We publish works to help build an author platform and give an insight into the industry
- Provide grants
- Hold regular writing competitions with cash prizes
- We offer creative writing workshops and editing courses
- We help writers gain marketing experience and build confidence
If you live in the United Kingdom and are dedicated to pursuing a career in literary arts, contact us or use the submissions form to submit early chapters of fiction.